Sunday, April 22, 2012

Basic Nerf Longshot mod guide

The Longshot is a pretty good blaster without mods, but it has a ton of potential. For example, with a proper spring upgrade, Angel Breech, and reinforced internals, it can hit over 100ft. But The mods I'm doing are more basic that any one can do. All you need is a philips head screw driver, a flat head screw driver and a hammer (instead of the flat head and hammer you can actually use needle-nose pliers).
Internals of the Longshot.
A closer view of the monster of a plunger tube.
The locks I removed .
The plunger rod, head, and spring

When I tried removing this lock, I felt like plastic almost hit my eye.
A short video of me removing the AR (you can actually just pull out the back-plate in the plunger tube to remove the AR).
The AR removed.
the air release hole after it has been plugged
The semi-padded plunger head.
The finished internals of the main Longshot.
The internals of the front-gun
 The AR removed.
 The electrical tape spacer I made to improve the air seal.
The re-greased internals put back together.


  1. Just to tell you.. Both yr main gun and front guns AR are not removed. If you remove it. One black piece will drop out and then you will be able to see thru it. Which in yr pics, it doesnt

  2. The AR was removed in the main gun, but the lighting wasn't very good and I put the backplate back in just because I couldn't find a piece I needed to eliminate the dead space, and in the front gun I used my dremel to get rid of the peg and spring, then I made a whole in the back of the plunger, so the ar was completely removed.
